Timex Q&A Facebook Contest – Win The Hobbit Block Screening Tickets

Have you watched the first movie of The Hobbit and wanting to watch its sequel for FREE? Join the Timex Q&A Facebook Contest – Win The Hobbit Block Screening Tickets and get a chance to win block screening tickets and souvenir mugs for FREE!
Answer the question correctly PLUS Like and Share publicly this Post to get a chance to win a block screening ticket of THE: HOBBIT and a souvenir mug for two (2)!
TIMEX will be raffling off 3 winners and each winner will get 2 tickets plus a souvenir mug!
Visit Timex Shop Trinoma located at 2nd floor near Starbucks Coffee.
And follow Timex Philippines in Twitter @Timexph and in Instagram @Timexph
- This contest is open to all.
- Like and Share the post and answer the question IN THE COMMENT BOX to be qualified.
- Failure to Like, Share publicly and Answer the question correctly will be disqualified.
- All correct answers will be raffled off and 3 winners will be chosen (2 tickets for each winner)
- Contest is open from December 7 to 13 2013 only. We will accept entries until 4:00pm of December 13 only.
- Announcement of winners will be on December 13, 2013, 6:00pm.
- Winners may claim the tickets at Timex Shop Trinoma between 10:00am to 1:00pm only. Just present a valid ID to claim the prize.
- Block screening date is on December 14, 2013 (Saturday) at Trinoma Cinema 5. Gates open at 1:00pm
Visit Timex Philippines Facebook page for more promo details and latest updates.